The UNP M-Dos Team Release Ceremony for the 2019 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE)

Today, Wednesday, September 18 2019, at the Ballroom Room, 4th Floor, UNP Hospitality Building, an official release ceremony for the UNP M-DOS Team will compete at KMHE 2019. UNP Vice Chancellor 3, Prof. Ardipal, came to represent the UNP Chancellor to lead this event. This event was also accompanied by PT.PERTAMINA Sharing Product Knowledge, which is one of the Team sponsors that will be dispatched. As previously reported, the team from UNP managed to pass the selection for the Diesel Prototype class. The team that became UNP ambassadors was the…

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“SOLIDWORKS” CAD Application Training Program for Teachers of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh

SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is one of the oldest SMKs in West Sumatra. The establishment of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is one form of the government’s efforts to equalize education throughout Indonesia. For the West Sumatra region, the work of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is quite calculated. SMK N 2 Payakumbuh often sends its students to represent West Sumatra in the national level Student Skills Competition (LKS). However, when compared to State Vocational High Schools on the island of Java, SMK N 2 Payakumbuh in particular has not been able…

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JTO FT UNP Community Service Program at SMK Negeri 1 Gunung Talang, Solok Regency

Not long ago, on August 22 to 25, 2019, one of the PKM teams of the UNP Automotive Engineering Department carried out Community Service activities in Solok Regency, precisely at SMK N 1 Gunung Talang. PKM activities were led by Mr. Toto Sugiarto, S.Pd., M.Si. one of the JTO lecturers and also one of the lab heads at the UNP Faculty of Engineering. This activity raised the theme “Training for Vocational Competency Improvement of Motor Diesel Technology for Teachers and Students of the Vocational School of Automotive Engineering Study Program…

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The UNP Technical M-DOS Team Again competed at KMHE 2019

Another proud news was obtained by the Automotive Engineering Department of UNP. One of the teams from JTO UNP managed to penetrate the final round of the National Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) which this year was held in Malang, East Java. The team in question is the UNP Technical M-DOS Team. This team will compete in the Prototype-Diesel class with 7 other teams from various universities in Indonesia. This team was directly guided by one of the JTO UNP lecturers, Mr. Rifdarmon, M.Pd. The same team at the previous…

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PTK Proposal Preparation Workshop for Vocational School Teachers in Padang Panjang City

On August 13, the team of one of the Community Service teams from the Automotive Engineering Department carried out the PKM activity with the theme “Workshop on Preparing PTK Proposals for Vocational School Teachers in Padang Panjang City”. Teachers from two vocational schools were involved in this event, namely SMK Karya and SMKN 2 Padangpanjang.    Vice Principal of SMK Karya Padangpanjang Asriwaldi and Principal of SMK N 2 Padangpanjang Suherman and one of the teachers Yeti Fitriany, welcomed the activities carried out by lecturers from UNP. After participating in…

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Improving Student Competence Through Training on Motorcycle Maintenance PGM FI (Programmed Fuel Injection) for Students of SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities

Science and Technology (IPTEK) is one of the most rapid developments, where this era brings an increasingly open climate for mutual cooperation and complementarity. On the other hand, this era also brought very competitive competition. SMK N 1 Kec Luak is one of the vocational schools located in District 50 Cities. Located in Andaleh district, about 15 km from downtown Payakumbuh. SMK N 1 Kec Luak has only been established since 2008 (11 years) but its development can be said to be quite good. From the beginning which only consisted…

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Job Vacancies at SMK Perikanan Prov. RIAU

Vacancies for alumni of the Automotive Engineering Department to teach at the RIAU PROVINCE FISHERIES VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, Fishing Vessel Engineering Study Program. Located in DUMAI. With the following facilities: Monthly honorarium of 2 million Meals and dormitories are provided for single people For further information, please contact the Principal of SMK, Mr. Edward, at HP / WA Number: 0852 7147 8799

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A Light Vehicle Engineering Teacher (TKR) and a Motorcycle Engineering Teacher (TSM) are needed immediately for graduates of the Automotive Engineering Department. The qualifications requested are as follows: Bachelor Degree (S.Pd.) for Teachers and D3 for Workshop Assistants Minimum GPA of 2.75 Maximum age of 35 years Male/ Female Willing to work in the province of Riau (Dumai) Facilities that will be provided: Housing Provided Motorbikes are provided Base salary 2 million + incentives For those who are interested, please contact / send an application to: SMK ERNA DUMAI, Jl….

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Automotive Engineering Lecturers (Teachers) are needed to teach at SMK N 2 Tambusai Utara, Rokan Hulu Pasir Pangaraian Regency (Riau). Facilities: Basic salary of 2 million / month Plus incentives beyond the basic salary Housing is provided For JTO alumni who are interested, please contact Mr. Yuswardi: 0813 7473 3274 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE

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