Injection Motorcycle Service Training Program (FI) for Workshop Mechanics in Kenagarian Situjuah Gadang

Transfer of knowledge is one of the problems for technology actors in the regions. Often technology actors in regions are left behind by several years when compared to technology actors in city / provincial centers. This condition is an accumulation of various conditions ranging from the quality of human resources, access to information, availability of supporting facilities, etc. An accelerated effort is needed to accelerate the transfer of knowledge in the regions, such as conducting counseling, training, procurement programs for supporting equipment / facilities. If the acceleration efforts are not…

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Injection Motorcycle Service Training Program (Fi) for Conventional Workshop Mechanics in Kenagarian Kapau Alam Pauh Duo, South Solok Regency

Kenagarian Kapau Alam Pauh Duo is one of the villages in Pauh Duo District, South Solok Regency with a population of around 3,127 people. Nagari Kapau Alam Pauh Duo has an area of ​​60,400m2 which is dominated by 308.75 hectares of dry land (rice fields) and 109.40 hectares of wetlands (rice fields). Topographical conditions like this make the Kapau Alam Pauh Duo community dominant to work as farmers in addition to the trade, home industry and tourism sectors. Kenagarian Kapau Alam Pauh Duo is located ± 136 km from the…

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