Periodic Maintenance Training for Motorcycle Electronic Injection Fuel Systems for School Dropout Youths in Nagari Alam Pauh Duo

Nagari Alam Pauh Duo is located in Pauh Duo District, South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, with a population of 8,126 people. There are 354 people who do not work or 0.5% of the total working age population. The cause of unemployment is the low quality of community education and the presence of young people dropping out of school, resulting in poor economic conditions in the community.

Survey and coordination with Bupati, Camat and Wali Nagari

One of the efforts that can be made to reduce the number of unemployed is by opening new jobs. The lack of motorbike workshops and the large number of motorbikes opens up opportunities for youth dropping out of school to take advantage of this situation. Therefore, the FT-UNP Automotive Engineering Department Service Team intends to provide periodic maintenance training for electronic fuel injection motorcycles.

The opening ceremony of the training

This service activity was chaired by Drs. Martias, M.Pd. with Rifdarmon members, S.Pd., M.Pd.T. The training instructor is Dedi Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.T. and Rijal Mukhtar, S.Pd. as well as one student M. Faiz Saputra. The training was held from 19 to 22 September 2019 at Nagari Alam Pauh Duo. In this training, the methods of lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations, assignments and guidance are used. Each participant is given a training guide book. The training was running smoothly and successfully, with the improvement in the final ability of the participants in performing periodic maintenance of the electronic injection fuel system in accordance with the given manual.

Delivery of training materials by instructors

Practicum implementation is carried out by participants in turn and is guided by instructors and students

Finally, with the completion of the periodic maintenance training for the electronic injection fuel system, it is hoped that the training participants will be able to carry out periodic maintenance of electronic fuel injection system motorbikes independently and be able to independently build a motorcycle repair shop business.

The closing ceremony and evaluation of training activities

After the implementation of the training, the South Solok Regency Government through the Head of Sub-district and Wali Nagari thanked the Lecturers and Students of the Implementation Team from the FT-UNP Automotive Engineering Department and hoped that this activity could take place every year so that it could increase youth knowledge and skills about motorcycle maintenance. sustainable in accordance with technological developments.


[News by: Drs. Martias, M.Pd. – Chairman of the PKM Implementation Team]

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