“SOLIDWORKS” CAD Application Training Program for Teachers of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh

SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is one of the oldest SMKs in West Sumatra. The establishment of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is one form of the government’s efforts to equalize education throughout Indonesia. For the West Sumatra region, the work of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh is quite calculated. SMK N 2 Payakumbuh often sends its students to represent West Sumatra in the national level Student Skills Competition (LKS). However, when compared to State Vocational High Schools on the island of Java, SMK N 2 Payakumbuh in particular has not been able to speak much. Their steps often stop ahead of the top 3 best contestants. This can also be seen from the achievements of the Vocational High School’s medal ranking in West Sumatra at the Student Skills Competition (LKS), where West Sumatra province has not been able to break the top 10 in Indonesia in the last 5 years. This certainly indicates the condition of vocational education (SMK) in West Sumatra, which is not yet able to compete with SMK on the island of Java.

PKM Team discussions with schools and making statements of cooperation related to the implementation of PKM activities

From the discussion of the PKM Team with one of the teachers of LKS SMK N 2 Payakumbuh, one of the weaknesses of the West Sumatra LKS Team is inadequate preparation and limited access to information / training that teachers / students get. He said that one of the vocational schools on the island of Java deliberately brought in experts from professionals to prepare students to take part in the national level LKS. This condition certainly has a significant effect on student achievement in following LKS.

Some of the problems above are the reasons for the PKM Team to carry out the Community Service program at SMK N 2 Payakumbuh in the hope that schools will be able to obtain up-to-date information and technology in the field of Computer Aided Design (CAD).

This training targets teachers as participants to be able to design 3D components using the CAD application “SOLIDWORKS”. The high interest of teachers in participating in this activity resulted in the PKM Team having to add a special quota due to the request of 2 SMKs, namely SMK Mitra Payakumbuh and SMK N 1, Luak District, which expressed their desire to be able to participate in PKM activities.

The opening of the PKM activity was symbolically handing over training materials to one of the participants

This training material can be divided into 3, namely: Part, Assemble and 2D drawing. In the part making session, participants were given material on sketch features and 3D features. This session targets participants to be able to understand the logic and function of all features related to the stages of 3D part formation starting from sketching, extrude cut, lofted boss, extrude boss, swept boss, mirror, 3D sketch etc.

Each participant is required to produce a 3D design for each stage of the material being studied. The results of the 3D part design are then used as material for the second material, namely Assembly. In this material, each participant encountered many obstacles, especially related to design accuracy, where the dimensions of the part that did not fit would be problematic once the assembly process was carried out. This makes this training quite interesting for them, because it requires a design that must have a high accuracy value to be processed in the assembly part phase.

The last material is closed with the rendering and drawing features (2D). In the rendering material, participants are given material related to material editing and appearance on the part that has been designed. The solidworks feature that offers various material details makes this rendering material no less attractive to participants. Participants are free to enter material specifications according to their wishes.

Shock absorber design which is the final project of a training participant.

At the end of the activity, the school represented by Mr. Fuad Azmi, S.Pd from the quality management of SMK N 2 Payakumbuh expressed hope that this activity could be continued in the future. Given the high enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the teacher in participating in this activity and the limited material that can be provided during the activity.

[News by: Wanda Afnison, M.T – Chairman of the PKM Implementation Team]

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