The Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) -Universitas Negeri Padang through the implementation team of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Engineering held training on the use of information technology as a learning medium for vocational school teachers throughout the city of Padang Panjang. This training was held on August 13-14 2019 at SMK Karya with 18 teachers from SMK Karya and SMKN 2 Padang Panjang. The theme for this year’s activity was “Increasing the Competence of Vocational School Teachers in the City of Padang Panjang through a Workshop on Optimizing the Use of Information Technology”. The goal of this activity is to increase the insight and ability of teachers to take advantage of advances in information technology as a means and aids in the learning process.
In this activity, three teaching staff at the Faculty of Engineering UNP, namely Milana M.Sc, Ph.D, Irma Yulia Basri, M.Eng and Ahmad Arif M.T delivered training materials in front of participants using an interactive method. All participants are actively invited to design learning media based on information technology in accordance with the guidelines previously prepared by the committee. In addition, this training activity also involved three students from the Automotive Engineering Department and the UNP Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Study Program to assist all participants in the process of carrying out the assigned tasks.
The training to increase the competence of SMK teachers in the field of Information technology was officially opened at 08.00 by the deputy head of SMK Karya in the field of curriculum Drs Asriwaldi who was accompanied by the head of the PKM-UNP activity implementation team Dr. Remon Lapisa, M.Sc. Before the training was held, the committee distributed several questionnaires to all participants to determine the level of readiness of participants in using IT in teaching and learning activities. During the training, the participants participated in all the material presented enthusiastically and responsively. At the end of the training in the activity evaluation session, participants conveyed some input and suggestions so that similar activities could be developed to reach 3T areas (disadvantaged, frontier and outer areas of Indonesia) that have not been touched by developments in information technology.
[News by: Dr. Remon Lapisa, M.Sc. – Chairman of the PKM Implementation Team]