Science and Technology (IPTEK) is one of the most rapid developments, where this era brings an increasingly open climate for mutual cooperation and complementarity. On the other hand, this era also brought very competitive competition. SMK N 1 Kec Luak is one of the vocational schools located in District 50 Cities. Located in Andaleh district, about 15 km from downtown Payakumbuh. SMK N 1 Kec Luak has only been established since 2008 (11 years) but its development can be said to be quite good. From the beginning which only consisted of 3 departments, now SMK N 1 Kec. Luak already has 7 departments consisting of culinary, fashion, multimedia, light vehicle engineering, motorcycle engineering and business and marketing majors. Since its establishment until now, SMK N 1 Kec. Badger shows a very rapid development graph, this is due to the location of SMK N 1 Kec. Badgers are in a strategic position and are around residents who have a dense population. This condition makes SMK N 1 Kec Luak become one of the favorite vocational education destinations.
SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Kota as an educational institution for the vocational secondary level, which has the aim of preparing students to enter the competency-competent karja field and be able to develop themselves professionally and continue their education to a higher level. In order to realize these goals, the school has built a vision, namely to become a center for national / international standard vocational education and training services. Efforts of SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities to realize this vision is to prepare human resources who are skilled, creative and have broad insight in their fields of expertise and who are always quality oriented in every activity. In addition, a creative, sincere learning and working climate is also developed by empowering the potential of schools including teachers, students and students with a moral foundation of honesty and discipline.
Figure 1. SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities
Therefore, SMK graduates must be prepared to have the competencies needed by the business world / industrial world (DU / DI) so that they can reduce the unemployment rate of SMK graduates. One of the competencies that DU / DI needs in the field of automotive engineering is knowledge and skills in motorcycle technology. Based on these problems, through the Student Partnership Program (PKM), the UNP campus conducted training for SMK students with the title “PGM FI (Programmed Fuel Injection) Motorcycle Maintenance Training for Students of SMKN 1 Luak Kab. 50 Cities ”. This training is expected to help the government in improving the competence of prospective graduates of SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities by holding motorcycle technology competency training. The SMK selected as partners in this activity is SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities.
This PKM activity was chaired by Nuzul Hidayat, S.Pd, MT and member M. Yasep Setiawan, S.Pd, MT and was held on 8-11 August 2019 at SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities. During the training activities are divided into 2 sessions, namely activities in the form of theory and practice. For the theoretical activity, it was carried out for 8 JP and 24 JP for practice. SMKN 1 Luak is now led by Drs. idil Wahdi, M.Pd was very happy with this activity because for the first time SMKN 1 Kec. Luak Kab. 50 Cities visited by PKM team from UNP. In addition, during the activity, vocational teachers in the automotive sector were also accompanied by Muhammad Faizul, S.Pd and Nogi Handepi S.Pd.
Figure 2. Opening of PKM activities and submitting training kits
This activity was also accompanied by instructors from the Automotive Engineering Department, FT UNP, who were experienced in their fields including Wagino S.Pd, M.Pdt, a specialist in EFI and autronic systems, Ahmad Arif, S.Pd, MT as a specialist instructor in vehicle maintenance and testing as well as Wanda Afnison S.Pd, MT as a specialist instructor on fuel systems and vehicle electrical.
Figure 3. Pictures of theoretical training activities
Figure 4. Practical training activities
The basic objective of this PKM activity is to create SMK graduates who have competence in the field of fuel injection systems on motorbikes. The material provided includes basic knowledge of fuel injection systems on motorbikes, components and their functions as well as damage analysis based on computerized diagnostics. In addition, it is also continued by overcoming the damage after being diagnosed using the DLC (Data Link Connector) and with the H-Diag (Honda electronic control diagnostic and analysis tool). In this activity, 2 units of motorbikes that have fuel injection systems are used, namely the Honda Beat and Revo Fit. The participants were very enthusiastic because all this time learning about the fuel injection system could be done in full practice and also could use computerized tools. SMKN 1 Luak has also collaborated with AHASS (Astra Honda Authorized Service Station). As long as the activities were carried out everything went smoothly because this was inseparable from the support and cooperation of the SMKN 1 Luak and LP2M (Institute for Research and Community Service) UNP Padang.
[News by: Nuzul Hidayat, S.Pd., M.T. – Chairman of the PKM Implementation Team]